Goals, assets, and desired projects
to get us there.
A beautiful place
The Prince Memorial Greenway is a year-round beautiful place to visit, travel through and experience. This well maintained bike path and walkway is the jewel of the Santa Rosa and has numerous organizations who dedicate time and resources to keeping it pristine.
- Trash pickup
- Potential partnerships/sponsorships
- Recology
- Service Clubs
- Neighborhood organizations
- Non-profit organizations
- College clubs
- Highschool classes
- Potential partnerships/sponsorships
- Graffiti abatement
- Potential partnerships
- City of Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership
- Potential partnerships
- Regular maintenance with more immediate attention for newly damaged areas/infrastructure
- Potential partnerships
- ECA Engineers Contractors Association
- (See list above trash pickup)
- Potential partnerships
- Vegetation management and weed control
- Invasive exotic plant removal
- Potential partnerships/sponsorships
- Home improvement stores
- Landscaping companies
Art along the greenway
The Prince Memorial Greenway is a space for showcasing art that is thought provoking and is looked after by the whole community.
- Maintain existing art
- Creative Sonoma
- Art in public places committee
- Add new art, including murals and individual pieces
- Joshua & Mj
- Artstart
Olive Park
The neighborhood park that shares space with the Prince Memorial Greenway
Is Olive Park a clean, inviting place that is enjoyed by the neighborhood and those who enjoy the greenway.
- Clean outside of buildings/gazebo regularly
- Vegetation management – palms
- Partnerships/Sponsorships
- See Prince Memorial Greenway list
- Partnerships/Sponsorships
Educational signage/information
- Walking tour brochures available on site
- Check in with Lon Peterson (Communications Director with the City of Santa Rosa)
- QR codes on installed metal signs might make more ecological sense
- Check in with Lon Peterson (Communications Director with the City of Santa Rosa)
- Identify needed information / additional locations for educational signage
- City of Santa Rosa Parks and Recreation/ Water Department
- Banner or sign providing volunteer information/QR Code
Accessible to all
- Remove silt from paths leading to creek
More people using the creek
The Prince Memorial Greenway is utilized by the surrounding neighborhood, it serves as a gateway to downtown Santa Rosa and is a vital linkage to numerous shared use paths. Every day hundreds of people enjoy walking, biking, visiting and experiencing this beautiful vibrant ecological space.
- Add lighting for safe bicycle travel (Taco Tuesday group). Longer term, possible CIP project.
- Jason Nutt (Public Works Director)
- Conduct walking tours – creek, history, art, flora
- Potential partners
- Santa Rosa Historical Society
- See list above for Art
- Volunteers from Luther Burbank Gardens (Maybe an extended creek/garden tour)
- Potential partners
- Activate plaza with events/music/activities
- Potential partners
- Lost Church (micro concerts in the plaza)
- Painting parties (ex. Clusterfunk Studios)
- Host a Chamber Mixer in the plaza
- Potential partners
Businesses that face/interact with creek
The Prince Memorial Greenway is an economic driver for our community. The businesses that face the Greenway are vital strategic partners for its long-term vision and serve as essential stewards to its year-round care.
- Look for opportunities with existing businesses
- Potential partners
- Economic Development (City of Santa Rosa)
- Chamber
- Potential partners
Many hands helping
The Prince Memorial Greenway is a community builder with numerous organizations who dedicate time and resources to keeping it a beautiful and active space. The events calendar for the greenway is filled with weekly community events, clean up days and workshops.
- Invite neighbors, businesses, bicycle groups, etc, to work days/events
- Potential partners
- Santa Rosa Cycling Club\
- Santa Rosa Taco Tuesday Ride and More
- Service Clubs
- Rotary
- Kiwanis
- Active 20/30
- Scouts
- Environmental organizations
- Santa Rosa Junior College Clubs
- Sonoma State University Clubs/ Sororities / Fraternities
- Potential partners
- Share new Facebook page/events, use other social media to get word out
- Continue/expand Creek Stewardship email newsletter
- Potential partners
- City Connections newsletter (see Lon Peterson)
- Potential partners